+91 97877 35666
Counselling Code : 2653
+91 97877 35666
0427-2433971, 2433974
+91 9600991166, 97877 35666
Counselling Code : 2653
Executive Chairman’s Message

I believe that there are FIVE BIG PROBLEMS confront us.


One cannot solve all of them, but everyone has a capacity solve a bit of them. To solve the above said problem, the role of Technology and Management are 50% – 50%. You as a management graduate has a major role here. I strongly believe there are FOUR O’s that will rule the forth coming two-decades: NanO, BiO, EnvirO, and CEO (the MBAs). The first 3 Os (Nano, Bio, and Environmental) are the technological solutions. The CEOs (the MBAs) have a significant role to play.

We, at MBA@KIOT, will provide you n–number of opportunities for you to Aware, Associate and Achieve

All the Best,

With love and care,

B.E., M.Tech.(IIT-B), Ph.D., MISTE., ISHMT., FMFPI
Founder & Executive Chairman, KIOT Trust

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